In detail: plone.autoform

As already said plone.autoform package provides some more functionality to be passed with interface. Its using tag values to store hints.

from plone.autoform.interfaces import OMITTED_KEY
from plone.autoform.interfaces import WIDGETS_KEY
from plone.autoform.interfaces import MODES_KEY
from plone.autoform.interfaces import ORDER_KEY
from plone.autoform.interfaces import READ_PERMISSIONS_KEY
from plone.autoform.interfaces import WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY
from plone.autoform.interfaces import FIELDSETS_KEY

In short

  • OMITTED_KEY: list of (interface, fieldName, boolean).

    If boolean is true then field with fieldName for form which implements interface will be omitted.

  • WIDGETS_KEY: list of (interface, fieldName, mode).

    Widget for field fieldName will be rendered in mode (‘hidden’, ‘input’, ‘display’) for form which provides interface.

  • ORDER_KEY: list of (fieldName, direction, relativeTo)

    Field fieldName will be places in direction (‘after’, ‘before’) relative to field relativeTo.

  • READ_PERMISSIONS_KEY: dict of fieldName -> permission mapping.

    When form is in ‘display’ mode field fieldName will be omited unless user has permission for form’s context.

  • WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY: dict of fieldName -> permission mapping.

    When form is in ‘input’ mode field fieldName will be omited unless user has permission for form’s context.

  • FIELDSETS_KEY: list of plone.supermodel.model.Fieldset instances.

Example of PersonForm with plone.autoform

from plone.autoform.form import AutoextendibleForm

IPerson.setTaggedValue(MODES_KEY, [(Interface, 'age', 'hidden')])

class PersonForm(AutoextendibleForm, form.Form)
    schema = IPerson