Validation in all its glory

Field level validation

  • Fields already provide their own valiation. eg: zope.schema.Int field should be integer, ...

  • constrains if you need a little more control.

    from zope.interface import Invalid
    def over_21(value):
        if value >= 21:
            return True
        raise Invalid("You need to be over 21, to register.")
    class IPerson(form.Schema):
        age = schema.Int(

Widget level validation

  • Validate widget using @form.validator

    def over_21(value):
        if value >= 21:
            return True
        raise Invalid("You need to be over 21, to register.")

    Possible to make validator more specific or generic using ‘context’, ‘request’, ‘view’, ‘field’, ‘widget’ parameter of @form.validator decorator.

  • more advanced

    from z3c.form import validator
    class Over21(validator.SimpleFieldValidator):
        def validate(self, value):
            # here we could skipt default field validation
            super(Over21, self).validate(value)
            if value >= 21:
                return True
            raise Invalid("You need to be over 21, to register.")
                field=IPerson['age'], view=RegisterForm)

    This we use in case:

    • want to skip default validation of field properties (‘required’, ‘min’, ..).
    • need to access context, request, form, field, widget to validate.

Form level validation

  • invariants

    from zope.interface import invariants
    class IPerson(form.Schema):
        def legal_age(data):
            if == 'Sevilla' and \
               data.age >= 18:
               return True
            elif data.age >= 21:
                return True
            raise Invalid("You need to be over 21, to register.")
  • validation can also happen inside action handler

    from z3c.form.interfaces import ActionExecutionError
    from z3c.form.interfaces import WidgetActionExecutionError
    class RegisterForm(form.SchemaForm):
        def handleRegister(self, action):
            data, errors = self.extractData()
            if data['age'] > 150:
                raise WidgetActionExecutionError(
                            Invalid(u"nobody should register if its older then 100"))
                registration = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_registration')
                registration.addMember(data['email'], '12345', properties=data)
            except ValueError, e:
                raise ActionExecutionError(
                        Invalid(u"User with this email already exists."))
            if errors:
                self.status = self.formErorrsMessage

Customizing error messages

  • replace only text in error message

    from zope.schema.interfaces import ValidationError
    @form.error_message(field=IPerson['age'], error=ValidationError)
    def to_young_message(value):
        return "By the law we are not allowed to let you in. Sorry." \
               "See you in %s years." % (21 - value)

    allowed arguments for error_message are:

    error, request, widget, field, form, contet

    standard errors are (all listed in zope.schema.interfaces):

    RequiredMissing, WrongType, TooBig, TooSmall, TooLong, TooShort, InvalidValue, ConstraintNotSatisfied, WrongContainedType, NotUnique, InvalidURI, InvalidId, InvalidDottedName

  • output HTML

    import zope.component
    from z3c.form import error
    from zope.schema.interfaces import TooSmall
    TooYoung = error.ErrorViewMessage(
         u'Too young', error=TooSmall, field=IPerson['age'])
    zope.component.provideAdapter(TooYoung, name='message')